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Covid-19 vaccination program - About 400 of our employees and their relatives have got the first dose of Pfizer this week. We are delighted that we had the opportunity to take care of our employees and their loved ones! A mobile medical team vaccinated in accordance with all the rules in our office. They took the temperature, blood pressure and […]
ONSEO PROGRAMMING COURSES 2020 - Початок курсів переноситься на осінь. Слідкуйте за публікаціями в соц. мережах. Усім хто вже зареєструвався ми відправимо єлектронного листа з інформацією про початок тестування. Програма навчання спрямована на вивчення сучасних технологій і отримання теоретичних і практичних навичок, необхідних для працевлаштування та подальшої роботи в ролі інженера в компанії ONSEO. Навчання проводиться за наступними напрямами: C#, Java, Android/iOS та JavaScript. ЩО МИ ПРОПОНУЄМО Заняття 2 рази в тиждень по 2-3 години у […]
Vinnytsia Java MeetUp 08.02.2020 - After a short New Year’s break, we continue our series of meetups. And it was Java again. You had dozen of questions after the last session: Especially, many of you asked us to share our experience with Spring and Hazelcast, so we did it for you )). Speakers and topics: 📌 Vitalii Kovalevskyi – […]
Agile Certified Professional - Vinnytsia! On October 5th-6th we have a powerful training course for those who want to become a top Agile specialist ? Take a 2 day ICAgile Certified Professional course and get an international ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP) certificate. The certificate will significantly increase your market value and provide valuable support for your company to implement […]
Courses on programming for students from Vinnytsia National Technical University - ONSEO holds regular courses on programming for students from Vinnytsia National Technical University. The recent courses lasted 3 months from June to August in such areas: – JavaScript, – C#, – iOS, – Android, – Java According to the results of the courses 10 students have already been hired for ONSEO projects. Soon we are […]
Vinnytsia JS – 2019 - The ONSEO team took part in Vinnytsia JS The fourth annual Javascript conference, that will be held in the usual Open-Air format. The event is organized and driven by Vinnytsia JavaScript Community. This summer meet the Conference dedicated to JavaScript development and current trends. We liked it very much!
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